Counseling » Earn College Credits in High School

Earn College Credits in High School

South High School students have the opportunity to take and earn college credits through either Dual Enrollment or Concurrent Enrollment courses while in high school. Dual Enrollment courses are taught at South High and Concurrent Enrollment courses are taught through Bakersfield College.
Bakersfield College



Here is a list of Dual Enrollment, Honors, AP Courses offered at South High School.  


For information on taking Concurrent Enrollment college courses at Bakersfield College while in high school, visit BC’s Early College page and meet with your high school counselor. Explore BC’s pathways to determine which courses you should take. Please note, BC is no longer accepting Concurrent Enrollment forms via email or in person. See their website for updated instructions on how to enroll in Concurrent Enrollment courses.

KHSD Approved Concurrent Enrollment Courses
KHSD Concurrent Enrollment Courses