Bulletin Board » February 26th

February 26th

South High School
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
“Regular Schedule”


THURSDAY: Regular Schedule
V-G Soccer vs Staff game 5:45pm

FRIDAY: Regular Schedule
V-Softball @ Edison Tny vans TBA through Saturday
JV/FR Softball @ Tulare Tribe Tournament bus departs 6:45am

SATURDAY: Swim @ Graves Invite Kern Aquatic Complex bus departs 8am
JV/Fr Softball @ Tulare Tribe Tny bus departs 6:45am

Coming up….

Attention: All Rebel’s with a Cause club members, we’ll be meeting today during 4th lunch in Room C11 and 5th lunch in Room D39. Bring your friends everyone is welcome!!

ATTENTION WINTER SPORT ATHLETES: Those who have placed orders, the sports photos have arrived and may be picked up from the AO during lunches.

Word of the Day: conclude decide by reasoning Example: Still, candy makers have concluded that widespread changes in farming are essential to keeping up with rising long-term global demand.

TODAY: V/JV/FS 1 South Overwatch vs Shafter. Tomorrow, V/JV/FS 1 & 2 South League of Legends vs Shafter. Games are in D29.

So. Bakersfield Cavaliers are looking for Cheer Coaches for 2020 Season, anybody that is a cheerleader or has cheer experience is welcome to sign up Monday, 3/2 @ South, 5:30pm, So. Bakersfield Cavaliers Football (18yrs) & cheer (16yrs) w/experience. See AO.

Come cheer for your favorite team on Thursday @ 5:45pm to watch your South High Faculty attempt to play soccer against the girls varsity team. Entrance is FREE. Chicken sandwiches, chips and a drink are being sold for $5. Buy a ticket from any girls soccer player.