Class of 2024: Time to Rise ‘N Shine Story and Photography by Alexandra Gonzalez Hernandez (South High Senior)

On September 6th, 2023, the class of 2024 gathered in Spartan stadium for the yearly senior sunrise tradition. Senior sunrise is an event where seniors get together at 6am to watch the sunrise together; the sunrise symbolizes the beginning of the end of their high school career. This event is paired with senior sunset in May of each year where students will gather to watch the sunset and close out their time as a South High Spartan. Senior Bryan Gutierrez stated the following about the senior sunrise experience: “I enjoyed looking at the view and hanging out with my friends afterwards.” Many seniors were seen taking pictures with their friends under the balloon arch. Dariana Nuno shared that “being with all my friends and realizing it is our last year together” made the event special. Before the event ended all the seniors gathered for a class picture to signify that senior sunrise was a success.