Bulletin Board » Rebel Bulletin, May 24th

Rebel Bulletin, May 24th

South High School

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

“Regular Schedule


ACTIVITIES FOR TODAY:                                                                                                                              

Free Physicals 3pm small gym

Senior Awards - PAC 6pm



Regular Schedule



MINIMUM DAY SCHEDULE school dismissed @ 12:36

Staff vs Senior Basketball players 1pm - 3pm



School Holiday - Memorial Day


·         Follow South High on Twitter - @shrebels

·         Share your photos!  Follow yearbook’s Instagram @shsyearbook17 and hashtag your photos with #shsyb17, so we can see them and put them in the yearbook!  Or share them with us directly through the ReplayIt app available in your app store

Coming Up…

·         ATTN SENIORS:  Grad nite tickets are on sale in the Finance Office for $110 each must have student ID, and money owed screen cleared, purchase before & after school, also 5th lunch.  Grad nite @ Magic Mtn is June 1st @ 6pm.  There are only 192 spots available on buses this is on a first come, first served basisDEADLINE IS 5/24 @ 3PM @ FINANCE OFFICE WINDOW.

·         Seniors may now come to the Registrar’s office to request transcripts for colleges, during lunches or after school.

·         Attn ALL 9th, 10th & 11th grade athletes in ALL SPORTS:  Pick up an athletic packet in the AO-have parent fill out ENTIRE packet and bring to FREE physicals today @ 3pm to the girls gym, after you see the Dr. you may turn in paperwork at that time.  No physical NO PRACTICE. 

·         Yearbooks are available in the finance office for $90.  Purchase now while supplies last! Autograph pens and extra autograph pages are available in D-30. 

·         All baseball players meet in the locker room after school for a summer baseball informational meeting today.

·         Students if you are planning on taking the Sat, June 3rd, don’t forget you must have your current ID, no ID no test.  No mechanical pencils or pens. Be here by 7:30 am, park in the west parking lot off of Sandra Drive. Leave your cell phone in your car.

·         Seniors come to IT93 to record your senior thank you, that last moment prior to the graduation ceremony where you can thank friends, family, staff or any person who has helped you through these last four yrs. Students can record during Government/Econ classes, senior lunch and after school for the next three days in IT93.

·         SENIOR CHECK OUT:  you should have received your senior clearance form from Government/Economics classes.  Check out will begin today, Thursday & Friday.  DEADLINE for senior clearance form is 2pm on Friday, May 26th.

·         Varsity Football, Var-B-Basketball & Var B-Soccer teams come to the AO to receive your League Patches.

·         Juniors! You must take your senior picture with InMotion over the summer to make sure you are in next year’s yearbook.  Ask your junior English teacher for the InMotion flyer.

·         Interested in being a yearbook editor?  Go to D-30 Thursday after school to interview for a job.

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