Academics » Special Education

Special Education

Special Education News


Individual Education Plan (IEP) meetings will continue to be held either virtually though a video platform called Microsoft Teams or in person.  Parents will be given the options to attend IEPs when contacted by the Special Education staff .

In order to provide the least restrictive environment (LRE), the Special Education Department will continue with our inclusion model.  These models includes: Co-Teaching (Special Education and General Education teacher teaching together in core subjects classrooms), Transition class is a Special Education class where students are supported with all core subject work, and work on Transition skills to adult life (resume building, self-advocacy skills, career awareness and organization skills). 

In addition,  Special Education Instructional Assistants are helping students in core subject general education classes.  This collaborative approach will help ALL students be successful and continue to work toward meeting their graduation goals. If you have any questions about your student’s Education Plan, please call the South High Special Education Office.