Bulletin Board » Rebel Bulletin, Sept 6th

Rebel Bulletin, Sept 6th

South High School

Wednesday , September 6, 2017

“Regular Schedule”



Today is a Regular Schedule

Club Fair Day lunch hrs in quad

X-Country @ Lake Ming; excuse after 6th period; depart 2pm


THURSDAY is a Regular Schedule

Freshman FB @ Arvin; excuse after 6th period; depart 2pm

Golf vs Taft @ Buena Vista 2pm; TBA van

Volleyball vs Delano 4pm; 5:15pm; 6:30pm

V-Tennis @ Mira Monte 3:30pm-Van; JV-Tennis vs Mira Monte 3:30


FRIDAY is a Regualr Schedule

JV/Varsity FB @ Arvin excuse after 6th period; depart 2pm

V-Volleyball @ Highland excuse all day; bus departure TBA



V Volleyball @ Highland Tny bus TBA

JV Volleyball @ GV Tny bus TBA

FS Volleyball @ EB Tny bus TBA

X-Country @ Independence Invitational; bus depart 7:30am


·         Follow South High on Twitter - @shrebels

Coming Up…

·         Back to School night has been rescheduled to Wednesday, Sept. 13th from 6-8pm.

·         Attention freshmen! ASB positions are now open! Would you like to be the President of your class? Would you like to represent and speak for your class? If so stop by the ASB office and pick up an Election Packet. Our MANDATORY meeting will be held tomorrow 9/7 in the AO. Bring your lunch!

·         Attention Rebels! Sat., Sept. 16  is HIGH SCHOOL night @ BC football game! Come and be a part of our Tailgate Party! Entrance to the game is only $1.00 with ID!  See you there!

·         NHS applications are due Friday Sept 8 to Miss Gray in P115. If you do not have app - it’s not too late to pick one up!  

·         If interested in attending the Washington DC & New York trip, there will be a parent/student informational meeting in D-35, 6pm today. If interested and you can not attend, please stop by and talk to Dr. Bowens in D-35.

·         All girls interested in playing soccer there’ll be an informative meeting today @ 2:45 sharp in portable 110.  Don’t be late!

·         Attn Sophomores, Jrs, & Srs!  If you earned a 3.6 GPA or above on your last report card, you may qualify for CSF.  Pick up applications in room D22 Ms. Serrano or in the counseling office.  Informational meeting today after school room D22!

·         Are you interested in applying to a Saturday morning program at UC Santa Barbara? Interested in learning concepts involving current science & engineering research? Apply to School for Scientific Thought in the Career Center with our EAOP Coordinator, Ms. Lopez, during lunch or after school. Deadline to apply is Sept. 13.

·         BSU meeting on Thursday at 4th period in D-35 and 5th period in C-19 see you there.


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