Bulletin Board » Rebel Bulletin, Sept 19th

Rebel Bulletin, Sept 19th

South High School

Tuesday , September 19, 2017

“Regular Schedule”



ACTIVITIES TODAY:  Regular Schedule:

JV & Var Volleyball (no FS) vs Kern Valley


WEDNESDAY:  Regular Schedule:

Golf @ Buena Vista 12 noon excuse @ 9:43 am van


THURSDAY: Regular Schedule

Freshman FB @ Tulare Western excuse @ 1:32; bus departs 2pm

Volleyball @ GV excuse @ 1:32; bus departs 2pm

V-Tennis vs North; JV-Tennis @ North do not excuse


FRIDAY: Regular Schedule

JV/Var FB @ Tulare Western excuse JV TEAM @ 1:32; bus departs 2pm; Varsity do not excuse bus departs 4pm



V-Volleyball @ Ridgeview Tny TBA

V Tennis @ Centennial TBA



·         Follow South High on Twitter - @shrebels

Coming Up…


·         STUDENTS:  If you are planning on taking the SAT test Dec. 2nd, it will not be available@ South, due to activities on campus that day. Sorry for the inconvenient this may cause you. Sign up early so you don’t have travel outside of Bak. to take the test.

·         The Blue Wave, South High’s Spirit Club, will be meeting after school on Wednesday, 9/20, in Ms. Holmes’s room, D27.

·         FCA, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes will meet Wednesday September 20th during 5th lunch in C 13 (Mrs. Coleman’s room). There will be snacks and bring a friend. Any questions see Coach Douglas or coach Coleman



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