Bulletin Board » January 17th

January 17th

South High School

Wednesday , January 17, 2018

“Regular Schedule”



ACTIVITIES TODAY:   Regular Schedule

Spring Sport Physicals have been canceled

Wrestling vs MM @ South


THURSDAY:  Regular Schedule

B-BB vs Highland; G-BB @ Highland excuse @ 1:32; bus departs 2pm

B-Soccer vs Highland; G-Soccer @ Highland excuse @ 1:32; bus departs 2pm


FRIDAY:  School In Service Day - no students on campus

V-B Wrestling @ CIT vans thru Saturday

V-G Wrestling @ Tulare Invite.



JV-B Wrestling @ North Duals

JV-G Soccer @ Kingsburg bus departs 7am



Follow South’s Yearbook Instagram @shsyearbook18 and hashtag your photos #shsyb18, or upload photos through the ReplayIt app.

Coming Up…

Ø  Attention all spring sport athletes:  The physicals scheduled for tonight will be rescheduled for a later date as Dr. Alvarez will not be able to attend tomorrow.  Stay tuned to bulletin for new date.

Ø  Last chance to buy your yearbook online with a payment plan, thru Feb. 23.  Last time on campus or online that you can have your yearbook embossed.  Go to to see your options. 

Ø  Seniors, the time to purchase a senior recognition page in the yearbook is also running out! See Mrs. Kumpel in D-30 for details.

Ø  JUNIORS:  if you ordered a Class of 2019 t-shirt - you may pick up during your lunch ONLY in A.O.

Ø  Attn all boys’ tennis players, there will be a meeting today after school in C15.

Ø  Do you know what SAGA is? Come to our first club meeting of the year on Thurs. Jan. 18th, in D28!

Ø  Seniors: Herff Jones will be on campus one FINAL time before graduation. Bring your order form on February 6th in front of the AO to place your order. Herff Jones will be on campus February 6th 2018!

Ø  FCA, The Fellowship of Christian Athletes will meet today Jan. 17th during 5th lunch in C 13 (Mrs. Coleman’s room). There will be snacks and bring a friend. Any questions see coach Douglas or coach Coleman


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