Bulletin Board » April 11th

April 11th

South High School

Wednesday, April 11,  2018

“Regular Schedule”


Baseball & Softball vs North 4pm

Golf @ Rio Bravo excuse all day van

Throwers @ Highland excuse after 6th; bus departs 2pm


THURSDAY:  Regular Schedule

V-Tennis @ Highland; JV -Tennis vs Highland


FRIDAY:  Regular Schedule

V-Baseball & V-Softball @ BC TBA game start 5pm

JV Baseball & JV Softball @ North excuse after 6th period; bus departs 2pm

Swim @ NOR excuse at 1:15; bus departs 1:30



Track @ West Coast Relays bus departs 7am

Jr/Sr Prom @ Masonic Temple 6-10pm


New News…

Follow South’s Yearbook Instagram @shsyearbook18 & hashtag your photos #shsyb18, or upload photos through replayIt app.

Coc Coming Up…



·         JR/SR Prom is Sat. 4/14, @ Masonic Temple, 6-10pm. Tickets have increased to $90 W/ASB or $95 WITHOUT ASB, purchase in Finance Office bring current high school ID. Guests must be approved through Dean’s Office.  

·         Come to D28 right after school today for some SAGA fun!!!

·         Attention all Rebel’s with a Cause club members: We will be meeting today in Port 107-4th lunch and D39-5th lunch. Bring your friends everyone is welcomed.

·         There are still some Rebels who purchased their prom ticket February 14th and still have not picked it up.  Please come by the finance office before school, at your lunch or after school to pick up your prom ticket.

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