Bulletin Board » May 1st

May 1st

South High School

Tuesday, May 1,  2018

“Regular Schedule”


ACTIVITIES TODAY:  Regular Schedule


WEDNESDAY:  Regular Schedule

JV/V Baseball & Softball @ Foothill; excuse after 6th period; departs 2pm

FS Softball vs Foothill; 4pm

JV Swimming @ Garces Pool excuse @ 9:30; departs 9:45am

Throwers @ North TBA


THURSDAY:  Regular Schedule

Golf @ League Meet excuse after 1st period; van

V-SEYL League Track Meet TBA


FRIDAY:  School dismissed @ 1:36

JV/V Baseball & Softball vs Foothill; 4pm

FS Softball @ Foothill excuse after 6th period; departs 2pm


New News…

Follow South’s Yearbook Instagram @shsyearbook18 & hashtag your photos #shsyb18, or upload photos through replayIt app.


Coc Coming Up…



·         ATTN SENIORS:  If you wish to purchase your panoramic photo go to AO, fill out an envelope & place money/check in envelope.  Must have exact change and give to Ms. Massey in the AO.  Deadline is Friday, May 4th, to turn in money.

·         SENIORS:  Grad nite @ Magic Mtn. tickets are on sale for $110 per person until all tickets have been sold.  YOU MUST BRING IN A SIGNED PERMISSION SLIP in order to purchase your ticket from Finance Office.  Permission slips available from AO.  SENIORS bringing guests, you may NOT purchase your guest’s ticket until May 14th.  You must clear your guest through the Dean’s office FIRST, then bring clearance form & money to Finance Office on or AFTER May 14th.  Your money owed screen must be in good standing for yourself or guest. No Check’s accepted.

·         If you would like to be a part of the award winning Rebelettes then come to a meeting today 3:30-5pm in the girls’ gym.  Wear comfortable clothes. Auditions are through Wednesday, May 2nd.

·         Come see the LA Dodgers play against the San Diego Padres Sunday, May 27th @ 1:10pm. Please see Mr. Bowens in D-35. The cost is $60 per person in the all you can eat section! Limited space available.

·         SENIORS: if you have not picked up your cap & gown and it is paid in full, stop by the AO during lunch to see if it is here.  If not, you must go to Herff Jones’ office to pick it up!

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