Bulletin Board » May 8th

May 8th

South High School

Tuesday, May 8,  2018

“Regular Day Schedule”


ACTIVITIES TODAY:  Regular Schedule


WEDNESDAY:  Regular Schedule

Track @ BHS excuse after 6th period; bus departs 2pm


THURSDAY:  Regular Schedule

Throwers @ Liberty van TBA


FRIDAY:  Modified School dismissed @ 1:36

V-B Swimmers @ Valley van TBA





New News…

Follow South’s Yearbook Instagram @shsyearbook18 & hashtag your photos #shsyb18, or upload photos through replayIt app.


Coc Coming Up…



·         SENIORS:  Grad nite tickets are on sale for $110 ea. until May 22ndMUST BRING IN A SIGNED PERMISSION SLIP to purchase your ticket from Finance Office, slips available in AO. Those bringing guests, you may NOT purchase your guest’s ticket until May 14th.  Clear your guest through the Dean’s office FIRST, then bring clearance form & money to Finance Office on or AFTER May 14th.  Your money owed screen must be in good standing for yourself or guest. No Check’s accepted!  Deadline to purchase ANY ticket is Tuesday, May 22nd @ 3pm.

·         Attn Spring sport Athletes:  The Spring awards will be held on Monday, May 14th beginning 5:30 in the student cafeteria.

·         2018-2019 LINK CREW LEADERS! Don’t forget to join us on remind 101, we will be making announcements on there. The code was on your acceptance letter.

·         Sadie’s: last dance of the year May 18th, tickets go on sale today @ finance window $5 & $2 with ASB sticker.  Must have ID to purchase!

·         All flower attendants: your grade checks are due today Tuesday May 8th to the AO.

·         Buy your yearbook now and get an invite to our yearbook distribution party, 7th period on May 16.  Purchase @ finance office for $90.

·         Come see the LA Dodgers play against the San Diego Padres Sunday, May 27, @ 1:10pm. See Dr. Bowens in D-35. The cost is $60 per person in the all you can eat section! Limited space available.

·         Attention Freshman are you interested in visiting London, Paris, & Rome during the summer of your high school graduation, please see Dr. Bowens in D-35. Informational meeting coming soon!

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