Bulletin Board » May 22nd

May 22nd

South High School

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

“Regular Schedule


ACTIVITIES FOR TODAY:  School dismissed 2:36

Band/Rebelette Awards


WEDNESDAY:  Regular Schedule

Sports Physicals small gym 2:45pm

CJA Awards


THURSDAY: Regular Schedule

Senior Awards


FRIDAY:  Special Rally Schedule

Noontime Rally on Stage





·         Follow South High on Twitter - @shrebels

Coming Up…



·         FREE ATHLETIC PHYSICALS for 2018-19 school year on Wed, 5/23 5pm in small gym.  If all current 9, 10, 11th graders receive physicals Wednesday, they will be cleared for the whole year for sports.  HAVE ATHLETIC PACKET SIGNED BY PARENT/GUARDIAN BEFORE YOU COME TO GYM!  Packets available from Athletic Office.

·         SRS:  Grad nite tickets on sale $110 ea. until 3pm TODAY.  Must bring a signed permission slip to purchase your ticket from Finance Office.  Your money owed screen must be in good standing.  No checks accepted.

·         Seniors- Don’t forget to request your final transcript. Forms are available in the Registrar’s office. You must address your envelope if you need them to be mailed.

·         Lost & found items not claimed by June 1st will be given to Goodwill.  Come to the AO to claim.

·         Yearbooks are $90 now @ finance office window.  A limited amount of books are left!  Buy now before it is too late.  Also- extra autograph pages & pens are available in D30.

·         Srs beginning today-Fri you may record your Sr. “thank you’s” in IT93, period 5 or 6 & after school. Recordings will be presented prior to graduation ceremony. Receive scripts from gov’t/econ teachers questions see Mr. Garcia or rebel news student.

·         FREE ATHLETIC PHYSICALS for 2018-19 school year on Wed, 5/23 5pm in small gym.  If all current 9, 10, 11th graders receive physicals Wednesday, they will be cleared for the whole year for sports.  HAVE ATHLETIC PACKET SIGNED BY PARENT or GUARDIAN BEFORE YOU COME TO GYM!  Packets available from Athletic Office.

·         ATTENTION ALL SENIORS you cannot pay for any debt(s) with cash.  Please pay with cash, money order or cashier’s check @ Finance Office window.

·         Any girls interested in playing soccer next year, there will be a quick meeting today after school in portable 110.

·         Senior’s last chance to purchase your cap & gown from Herff Jones on Thursday-5th lunch.  Remember this is the LAST TIME they will be on campus for last minute orders - cost is $26.50.


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