South High School
Monday, August 20, 2018
“Modified Day Schedule”
ACTIVITIES TODAY: School dismissed @ 1:36
TUESDAY: Regular Schedule
Volleyball @ Independence excuse after 6th period; bus departs 2pm
V-Tennis @ Ridgeview; JV-Tennis @ Ridgeview 3:30pm
WEDNESDAY: Regular Schedule
Class Assemblies PAC
V-Tennis @ West; JV-Tennis vs West 3:30 p.m.
FR-FB @ Delano excuse after 6th period; bus departs 2pm
THURSDAY: Regular Schedule
Volleyball vs Taft @ South
V & JV FB @ Delano JV excuse after 6th period; bus departs 2pm; V-bus departs 5pm
FRIDAY: Regular Schedule
JV-VB @ North Tny TBA
V & JV FB @ Delano JV excuse after 6th period; bus departs 2pm; V-bus departs 5pm
New News…
Coc Coming Up…
ATTN anyone interested in playing football this year, it’s not too late, please see Mr. Mills in room F55.
Seniors, time to take your senior portrait! Call InMotion 661.873.4043 to schedule your appointment. Open Tues.–Fri. 11am –5 pm. Sitting is free, paid options available. Website: Senior pictures must be scheduled before Oct. 16th in order to be in the yearbook.
Yearbooks are the lowest price of the year at $75! Take advantage of the payment plan & split your bill over three months. Buy online @ or finance office and get 4 free icons w/name personalization. Price will go up to $90 by the end of the year.
All girls interested in playing basketball this year. Meet today, after school in E42.
NOR is hiring coaches for flag football & volleyball. Runs Sept-Nov, you must be 16yrs & have reliable transportation. Schedule will conflict with high school sports. Apply @ NOR & Park Dist., contact personnel @ 392-2000, or download an app. @
Are you interested in joining South High’s Black Student Union or becoming an officer? If so, please see Dr. Bowens in D-35 for a membership application.
Sophomore Class of 2021 officer meeting in Portable 114 on Tuesday, August 21, 2018 directly after school.
ASB stickers are on sale for $25 from the Finance Office, please have ID with you when purchasing. The ASB sticker will entitle you entrance into ANY Kern High School District. event for FREE.