Bulletin Board » August 22nd

August 22nd

South High School
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
“Regular Day Schedule”

ACTIVITIES TODAY: Regular Schedule
V-Tennis @ West (@ Bak. Racquet Club) excuse @ 1pm; van 2:30 start time
JV-Tennis vs West 3:30 p.m.
FR-FB @ Delano excuse after 6th period; bus departs 2pm

THURSDAY: Regular Schedule
Class Assemblies Big gym
Volleyball vs Taft @ South 4pm; 5pm & 6:30pm
V & JV FB @ Delano JV excuse after 6th per; departs 2pm; V-bus departs 5pm

FRIDAY: Regular Schedule

SATURDAY: JV Volleyball @ North Tournament TBA

Coc Coming Up…
Srs time to take your senior portrait! Call InMotion 661.873.4043 to schedule an appointment, open Tues.–Fri.11am–5 pm. Sitting is free, paid options available. Website: Pictures must be scheduled before Oct. 16th, in order to be in the yearbook.
Yearbooks are the lowest price of the year at $75! Take advantage of the payment plan & split your bill over three months. Buy online @ or finance office + get 4 free icons w/name embossing. Price goes up to $90 @ end of the year.
ASB stickers are on sale for $25 from the Finance Office, please have ID with you when purchasing. The ASB sticker will entitle you entrance into ANY Kern High School District event for FREE.
REMINDERS FROM DEAN’S OFFICE: Students, remember that there’ll be no cell phones allowed in classrooms unless they’re being used for a specific assignment set up by your teacher! Please keep your cell phones off and put away during class time!

Rebels: Please remember to follow the school dress code! No clothing with any inappropriate graphics, no strapless shirts, and no crop tops. Make sure what you are wearing is not a distraction to the learning environment. Questions see the Dean’s office.

Calling All Artists! We are looking for a new design for our “Rebels Do It Right” t-shirts. Think you’ve got an idea, submit your design to the Counseling office by Friday, Sept. 24th.

ATTN REBELS! ASB positions are now open. Please pick up your packet from the AO during lunch or after school. Plan on being at our MANTADORY meeting TODAY (Wed) during your lunch time.

MARCA, (Mexican American Rebel Club) would like to invite those interested in joining to their first meeting of the year on Mon., Aug. 27, after school @ the Rebel Family center. Everyone is welcome or to be part of one of our Folklorico and/or Latin dance group.
The library is now open for tutoring and homework Monday–Thursday. It will be open until 6 pm on Mondays and 6:30 pm Tuesday through Thursday.

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