South High School
Monday, August 27, 2018
“MINIMUM Day Schedule”
ACTIVITIES TODAY: School dismissed @ 12:32
G-Golf @ Bakersfield Country Club 11am excuse after 2ND period; van
TUESDAY: Regular Schedule
Volleyball vs G.V. 4, 5, & 6:30pm @ South
V-G Tennis @ G.V., JV-G Tennis vs G.V. 3:30 pm
WEDNESDAY: Regular Schedule
THURSDAY: Regular Schedule
Freshman FB @ G.V. excuse after 6th period; bus departs 2pm
FRIDAY: Regular Schedule
JV FB @ G.V. excuse after 6th period; bus departs 2pm
V-FB @ G.V. bus departs 5pm
FS VB @ Shafter Tny bus departs 7:15 am
Coc Coming Up…
Srs it’s time to schedule your senior picture, call InMotion 661.873.4043 to schedule an appointment BEFORE OCT. 16th in order to be in the yearbook, open Tues.–Fri.11–5pm (sitting fee is FREE). Website:
Yearbooks are the lowest price of the year at $75! Take advantage of the payment plan & split your bill over three months. Buy online @ or finance office + get 4 free icons w/name embossing. Price goes up to $90 @ end of the year.
ASB stickers are on sale for $25 from the Finance Office, please have ID with you when purchasing. The ASB sticker will entitle you entrance into ANY Kern High School District event for FREE.
The library is now open for tutoring and homework Mon–Thurs. It’ll be open until 6pm Mondays and 6:30pm Tuesday - Thursday.
Students planning to go to New York with Mr. Rothkopf, there’s a mandatory meeting Aug 30th, during 4th per. in D33. Please bring your next payment as well.
MARCA, (Mexican American Rebel Club) would like to invite all interested in joining our 1st meeting of the year today, right after school @ Rebel Family center. Everyone is welcome to join our Folklorico or a Latin dance group.
ALL STUDENTS: The West Parking Lot gates will be open for entrance to campus. The PAC gate will also be open before school until 9 a.m. for ALL excused 1st period students to enter campus. Please DO NOT enter through the front admin office doors.
ALL STUDENTS: After school you will EXIT campus through the PAC and West Parking Lot Gates. You will not be permitted to exit through the front administration office doors.
EXCUSED 7th period students: Please exit campus PROMPTLY after 6th period through the PAC Gate.
Lunchtime Intramurals: Applications for intramural COED Volleyball are available 4th or 5th lunches from Mr. Milo Levario. Only the first 8 teams will be accepted. Winning team wins pizza party and a chance to play staff. Games are scheduled to start Tuesday.
Come see the LA Dodgers vs. San Diego Padres Friday, Sept. 21, 2018 @ 7:10pm. Please see Dr. Bowens in D-35. The cost is $60 per person in the all you can eat section! Limited space available.
Interested in watching the NBA Clippers play against Lebron James and the L.A. Lakers on Friday, April 5, 2019. Please see Dr. Bowens in D-35 to sign up. Limited space available.