Bulletin Board » September 26th

September 26th

South High School

Wednesday, Sept. 26,  2018

“Regular Schedule”


Activities for today:  Regular Schedule 

G-Golf @ North Kern 12:30 pm excuse after 3rd period; van

X-Country @ Foothill excuse @ 1:15; bus departs 2pm


THURSDAY:  Regular Schedule

Freshman FB @ Foothill excuse after 6th period; bus departs 1:45pm

VB @ Highland; excuse after 6th period; bus departs 2pm

V-G Tennis @ MM; JV-G Tennis vs MM 3:30pm


FRIDAY:  Regular Schedule

V-FB @ Foothill bus departs 6pm

V-G Tennis @ Lewis Cup TBA



V-G Tennis @ Lewis cup van TBA



Attention Juniors- PSAT's will be held Sat Oct 13th @ 8am. You can pick up a fee waiver from the counseling office. You must return the fee waiver signed by a parent or receipt of purchase to the counseling office by Oct 5th to sign up.


Rebels, if you haven’t turned in your lunch application, turn it in ASAP!  Remember, those apps bring South High a lot more than lunch.  They also pay for chromebooks, calculators, tutoring, extended library hours, electives, & a lot more! You can turn in your application this week at the counseling office and receive a treat!


Interested in Fashion, Design or Merchandise? If so join us for our first FIDM Fashion Club meeting Thursday, 9/27th after school from 3-3:30 in H72 (Briones’ class).  Come learn more about FIDM College and all it and the club has to offer you.


ATTN Winter Athletes:  Dr. Alvarez will be on campus Tuesday, Oct. 23rd in the girl’s gym to take FREE physicals.  Have all paperwork signed by parent/guardian, packets available in the AO.   


STUDENTS:  Don’t forget to bring in your completed lunch applications by Friday!  Drop off in the Counseling Office to receive your “Rebels Do It Right” ticket & a treat!!


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