Bulletin Board » October 3rd

October 3rd

South High School

Wednesday, Oct. 3,  2018

“Regular Day Schedule”

Activities for today:  Regular Schedule

College Day - STAFF wear College Attire

X-Country vs East 3:30 @ South


THURSDAY:  Regular Schedule

Fr FB vs East 5pm @ South

VB vs Foothill 4, 5, & 6:30pm @ South

V-G Tennis @ North; JV-G Tennis vs North


FRIDAY:  Regular Schedule

JV & Var FB vs East 5 & 7:30pm




Rebels, turn in your lunch application ASAP!  Remember, those apps bring South High a lot more than lunch.  They also pay for chromebooks, calculators, tutoring, extended library hours, electives, & a lot more!  Return application to counseling and receive a treat.


Stand up for diversity!  Come to our first SAGA meeting of the school year, today after school in D28.


Attn Rebels Winter Formal is coming up quick! Purchase your tickets @ the AO for a ONE DAY ONLY flash sale on Oct. 9th for $25!  All grades are welcome, to get this great deal, you MUST be dressed up for Homecoming on Tues., Oct 9!  After 10/9, pay @ Finance Office.


Interested in a Medical Career for your future? Then Medical Club is the right club for you, the first meeting is today, after school in  F54. 


FCA, The Fellowship of Christian Athletes will be meeting today during 5th lunch in C 13 (Mrs. Coleman’s room). Any questions see Coach Douglas or Coach Coleman. There will be snacks.


All New York travelers there is a mandatory meeting at 4th lunch, Thursday, October 4th in D33. Please come right away.


InMotion is on campus to take senior photos for the final time on Oct. 17.  Be ready that day to take your picture for the yearbook, or make your appointment today by calling 661-873-4043. 


Are you a senior interested in an ad in the yearbook?  Purchase a full or half page and get your yearbook for free! See D-30 for details. 


Yearbooks are still the lowest price of the year until Nov. 1.  Purchase yearbook now for $75.  Divide the price into three equal payments online @ or @ finance office.  Embossing is still available.  The yearbook will be $90 by the end of the year


Attn Jrs- PSAT's will be held Sat. Oct 13th @ 8am. Pick up a fee waiver from the counseling office. Return the fee waiver signed by a parent or receipt of purchase to the counseling office by Oct 5th to sign up.


Fall sports photos are Monday, October 8.  Athletes who purchase photos get a free 8x10 of the team. 


Mandatory Wrestling practice for new & returning athletes will begin on Mon., Oct 8th @ 3pm. Meet in front of the Iron Works Room.


Attn Sophomores- PSAT's held Sat Oct 13th @ 8am @ South, get registration form @ counseling office.  Form requires a parent signature and must pay $15 @ Finance Office.  NO FEE WAIVERS for 10th graders.  Return form & receipt to counseling office by Fri, Oct. 5th to sign up! You will also be given a Practice PSAT booklet to use as a study guide.


Prom meeting in Ms. Holmes room D27 this Friday (Oct 5) during 5th lunch for all juniors interested in helping with prom.

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