Bulletin Board » October 10th

October 10th

South High School

Wednesday, Oct. 10,  2018

“Regular Schedule”


Activities for Homecoming Week:  Regular Schedule

Dress in Neon or Nick Character

Cross Country vs Mira Monte 3:30 @ South

V-G Tennis @ League (BRC) TBA. vans

JV-G Tennis @ League (Foothill) TBA vans


THURSDAY:  Modified Schedule school dismissed @ 1:36

Dress in Black & White or CN Character -Food Sale @ Lunch

Fr. FB vs Mira Monte 5pm @ South

VB @ Mira Monte excuse after 6th period; bus departs 2pm

Golf @ Kern River 12 noon excuse @ 10:30


FRIDAY:  7:30am Rally Schedule - Spirit Day - dress in school colors

JV & Var FB vs Mira Monte 5 & 7:30pm (Homecoming)


SATURDAY:  Cross country @ Rebel Invite @ Hart Park bus departs 7am



InMotion is on campus to take senior photos for the final time on Oct. 17.  Be ready that day to take your picture for the yearbook, or make your appointment today by calling 661-873-4043. 


Meeting for Juniors wanting to help with the Nickelodeon themed float in D-32 Thursday @ 5 p.m.


Anime Club’s next meeting will be today, October 10th after school in C5.


Rebels Fight Back Coin Drive is today thru Fri 10/12, and is a competition amongst 6th period classes. Give whatever coins you have and money will be donated to the American Cancer Society. The winning class will get pizza party!


Attention: Rebels With A Cause will be having their first meeting of the year today Oct. 10th, We will be meeting 4th period lunch in C11 and 5th period lunch in D39. Everyone is welcome and bring a friend.


Rebels have any gently used sweaters, hoodies, or jackets that you don’t need, then, donate them to our Sweater Weather Drive, sponsored by MARCA & Myriam Tellez. Families of South will be first to receive then to those in need, everyone deserves to stay warm. The first class period with highest percentage of donation(s) per student, will receive a prize.  Deadline is Oct. 19.


Are you interested in being an entrepreneur or passionate about helping the homeless?  Think you could be valuable to our South High Business club?  Then, join us in IT94 today after school 2:45-3pm to discuss upcoming events.


 Rebels Fight Back, South’s Relay for Life team, is having a MANDATORY meeting today after school in C-12. Everyone welcomed!





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