Bulletin Board » October 15th

October 15th

South High School

Monday, Oct. 15,  2018

“Modified Schedule”


Activities for today: School dismissed @ 1:36

Pre-conditioning for Winter sports may begin


TUESDAY; Regular Schedule

VB vs Highland (senior night) 4, 5, & 6:30


WEDNESDAY:  Regular Schedule

Cross Country @ Highland excuse @ 1:15; bus departs 1:30pm


THURSDAY:  Regular Schedule

Freshman Football @ Highland excuse after 6th period; bus departs 2pm

VB @ North excuse after 6th period; bus departs 2pm

Golf @ Stockdale Country Club excuse @ 10:30;  12noon


FRIDAY:  Regular Schedule

JV FB @ Highland excuse after 6th period; bus departs 2pm

Var FB @ Highland bus departs 5pm


SATURDAY:  Cross country @ S.L.O. vans


InMotion is on campus to take senior photos for the final time on Oct. 17.  Be ready that day to take your picture for the yearbook, or make your appointment today by calling 661-873-4043. 


Rebels Fight Back Coin Drive’s last day is today and is a competition amongst 6th period classes. Give whatever coins you have and money will be donated to the American Cancer Society. The winning class will get pizza party!


Winter Formal bids will be sold from Finance Office beginning today, for $30 w/ASB and $35 w/o ASB.  Must have student ID card to purchase.  Formal date is December 1st also, please remember prices will increase each week. Finance Office open before school, lunch hrs, & after school until 3pm


ATTN ATHLETES:  The Dr. will be on campus Tuesday, 10/23 to give FREE physicals. Please pick up a packet from AO and have all signatures required BEFORE you see the Dr.  If forms are complete we will collect after physical is given.


SENIORS:  If you have NOT ordered your cap & gown, Josten’s will be on campus tomorrow 10/16 to take all FEMALE cap & gown orders outside the A.O. during 5th lunch.  On Wed, 10/17 they will return to take all MALE cap & gown orders outside the A.O. 5th lunch.


Rebels Fight Back is extending the Coin Drive another week. The coin drive will end Friday Oct 19th. The winning class will receive a pizza lunch.


Are you a senior interested in an ad in the yearbook?  Purchase a full or half page and get your yearbook for free! See D-30 for details. 


Yearbooks are still the lowest price of the year until Nov. 1.  Buy your yearbook now for $75.  Divide the price into three equal payments online @ or @ finance office.  Embossing is also still available.  The yearbook will be $90 by the end of the year.


Melanin Queens meeting today at 1:45pm in the cafeteria.

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