Bulletin Board » November 5th

November 5th

South High School

Monday, November 5,  2018

“Early Out Schedule”


Activities for today:  School dismissed @ 1:36

Cheer try-outs 3:30-5:30


TUESDAY:  Regular Schedule

Cheer try-outs 3:30-5:30

Friends & Family night - stadium 6pm


WEDNESDAY:  Regular Schedule

Blood drive all day small gym

Cheer try-outs 3:30-5:30


THURSDAY:  Regular Schedule

Fall Sports Awards 5:30 cafeteria


FRIDAY:  Regular Schedule

Football playoffs TBA


SATURDAY:  Band Competition @ Stockdale



Winter Formal tickets sold from Finance Office cost per person is $35 w/ASB & $40 w/o ASB.  Must have student ID card to purchase.  Formal date is Dec. 1st, remember prices will increase.  Purchase in the Finance Office before school, lunch hrs, & after school.


ATTN ALL SENIOR ATHLETES:  Taft College is having a “Recruit Day” on Nov. 19th, 9am-11:45am.  This is an opportunity for all interested to learn about academic & athletic programs available.  Lunch will be provided, send an email to [email protected] to confirm by Wednesday, Nov. 14.


Hey Rebels! If you still want to be a Rebel Cheerleader, but didn’t return your tryout packet to the AO, bring the packet FULLY filled out to tryouts today from 3:30-5:30pm.  Bring water & dress in appropriate work-out clothing & shoes.


Next week we will celebrate Vocational Careers with some dress up days & fund activities.


Melanin Queens will meet today at 1:15p in M82. Please be on time.


Softball conditioning Monday @ 3pm on varsity softball field.


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