South High School Tuesday, November 6, 2018 “Regular Schedule” |
Activities for today: Regular Schedule
Cheer try-outs 3:30-5:30
Friends & Family night - stadium 6pm
WEDNESDAY: Regular Schedule
Blood drive all day small gym
Cheer try-outs 3:30-5:30
THURSDAY: Regular Schedule
Fall Sports Awards 5:30 cafeteria
FRIDAY: Regular Schedule
SATURDAY: Band/Rebelette Competition @ Stockdale
Winter Formal tickets sold from Finance Office cost per person is $35 w/ASB & $40 w/o ASB. Must have student ID card to purchase. Formal date is Dec. 1st, remember prices will increase. Purchase in the Finance Office before school, lunch hrs, & after school.
Next week we will celebrate Vocational Careers with some dress up days & fund activities.
FCA, The Fellowship of Christian Athletes will meet this Wednesday, November 7th during 5th lunch in C 13 (Mrs. Coleman’s room). Any questions see Coach Douglas or coach Coleman. There will be snacks.