Bulletin Board » January 23rd

January 23rd

South High School

Wednesday, January 23,  2019

“Regular Schedule”


Activities for today:  Regular Schedule

B-BB vs Foothill; 4:00, 5:15 & 6:30

G-BB @ Foothill; excuse 7th period; bus departs 1:45pm

All B-Soccer vs Foothill 3:30, 4:30 & 6pm

All G-Soccer @ Foothill; FS/JV excuse 7th per; shuttle bus 1:45pm; return for Var. 4pm


THURSDAY: Regular Schedule 

V-G Wrestling @ Yos Con Champ vans


FRIDAY:  InService Day - no students on campus

All B-BB @ East; bus departs 2pm

All G-BB vs East 4, 5:15, & 6:30pm

V-B Wrestling @ Gilroy thru Sat. vans

JV B-Wrestling @ North JV League bus departs 8am

B-Soccer @ East; FS/JV shuttle bus departs 2pm; return for Varsity by 4pm

G-Soccer vs East 3:30; 4:30; 6pm



Yearbooks are now $85 and you can still personalize your yearbook and use a payment plan until 2/23.  Purchase now at the finance office or at Jostens Yearbooks


Last Chance to purchase a Sr recognition ad.  All ads will be sold by March 15.  Full page ads are $300 w/a free yearbook, (emboss not included.)  Half page ads $175 w/a free yearbook, (emboss not included) ¼ ads are $85 and 1/8 page ads are $60 (yrbk not included).


Hey Rebels:  Did you miss out on getting a free lanyard?  There’s a table set up today during both lunches.  If you’ve lost your I.D., see Ms. Ibarra (Counseling) to have a new one printed at no charge.  This is a one-time ONLY opportunity, so don’t miss out.


Attention: Rebels With A Cause will be meeting today Jan. 23rd, 4th per. in C11 and 5th per. in D39. Everyone is welcome to bring a friend!


Seniors, your diploma order form is available on Google Classroom. Don’t forget to complete it. The deadline is February 8, 2019. If you have any questions please see Ms. Cisnernos in the career center.


There is a new club on campus called Pet Pals! So if you want to help out animals in Bakersfield, come to our FIRST meeting this Thursday in room C13 at 5th lunch!