South High School Tuesday, January 29, 2019 “Regular Schedule” |
Activities for today: Regular Schedule
No Athletic Events
WEDNESDAY: Regular Schedule
All B-BB @ MM; excuse 7th, bus departs 2pm
All G-BB vs MM 4, 5:15, & 6:30pm
V-B Wrestling @ Yosemite Conference Champ. Excuse all day vans
B-Soccer @ MM; FS/JV shuttle bus departs 2pm; return for Varsity by 4pm
G-Soccer vs MM 3:30; 4:30; 6pm
THURSDAY: Regular Schedule
No Athletic Events
FRIDAY: Regular Schedule
B-Basketball vs Highland (Sr. Night) vs Highland 4, 5:15 & 6:30pm
G-BB @ Highland; excuse 7th period; bus departs 2pm
B-Soccer vs Highland (Sr. Night) vs Highland 3:30, 4:30 & 6pm
G-Soccer @ Highland excuse 7th period; bus departs 2pm
Yearbooks are now $85 and you can still personalize your yearbook and use a payment plan until 2/23. Purchase now at the finance office or at Jostens Yearbooks
Last Chance to purchase a Sr recognition ad. All ads will be sold by March 15. Full page ads are $300 w/a free yearbook, (emboss not included.) Half page ads $175 w/a free yearbook, (emboss not included) ¼ ads are $85 and 1/8 page ads are $60 (yrbk not included).
There is a new club on campus called Pet Pals! So if you want to help out animals in Bakersfield, come to our FIRST meeting this Thursday in room C13 @ 5th lunch!
This is an exciting week for South High. We’ll participate in the Great Kindness Challenge, an opportunity for all of us to do something nice for others. It can be as simple as saying Hi to a stranger or holding the door open for someone. Whatever you decide to do, we want to know about it. Be sure to tweet your acts of kindness all week to #rebelsbekind. Today go outside of your comfort zone, write a thank you note to someone you admire, or make a new friend at lunch. Your actions can make the difference for someone else, don’t forget to tweet it to #rebelsbekind.
We will start selling Prom tickets on Valentine’s Day, during 5th lunch to students wearing pink or red for $30, $25 for student w/ASB sticker. Students can buy two tickets, as long as they bring their guest with them when purchasing OR an approval form from the dean’s office. Students need to clear their money owed screen and bring ID card(s) in order to purchase. Price increases week of 2/15-2/22 to $35 w/o ASB & $30 w/ASB sticker. Also, South will raffle off two tickets, one for RebelsDoItRight and one for perfect attendance.
During our great kindness challenge, we’re asking students & staff to show us acts of kindness. Today, Ms. Briones would like to send a shout out to Anderson Ortiz for showing kindness to his peers & teachers. “Anderson, you willingly hold the door open for others without ever being asked. Your kindness has not gone unnoticed and is greatly appreciated!” #Rebelsbekind.