Bulletin Board » February 8th

February 8th

South High School

Friday, February 8,  2019

“Modified Schedule”


Activities for today: School dismissed @ 1:36

V-B Wrestling @ Divisional Santa Maria vans excuse all day thru Saturday


Monday - Lincoln Holiday - no students/staff








The iconic White cartoon character Betty Boop was “inspired” by a Black jazz singer in Harlem named Esther Jones.


FLASH SALE ONE DAY ONLY on 2/14 Valentine’s Day:  Prom tickets on sale, 5th lunch to students wearing pink or red for $30 ea. $25 for student w/ASB sticker. Students may buy two tickets but must bring their guest with them when purchasing OR a signed approval form from the dean’s office if guest is from a different schoolStudents need to clear their money owed screen & bring ID card in order to purchase from Finance Office.  Feb.15th-Feb. 22nd price increases to $35 w/o ASB & $30 w/ASB sticker. We’ll raffle off 2 tickets for RebelsDoItRight & perfect attendance.


Feb. 12th Valentine’s Dance tickets are on sale @ Finance Office during lunch or before & after school.  Bring your I.D. card to purchase, cost is $5 w/o ASB & $3 w/ASB. 


Seniors, your diploma order form is available on Google Classroom. Deadline is today.  Questions see Ms. Cisneros in the career center.


ATTENTION REBELS dress up days next week are as follows: Tues.-Buddy Day; Wed-PJ Day (dress code enforced); Thurs-dress in Pink or Red; Friday - Rebel spirit day.


ATTN WINTER SPORT ATHLETES who ordered sport pictures.  They have arrived and will be passed out at lunch from the A.O.