Bulletin Board » February 20th

February 20th

South High School

Wednesday, February 20,  2019

“Regular Schedule”


ACTIVITIES FOR TODAY:   Regular Schedule

JV/V Baseball vs Delano (Terrio Tny) excuse after 6th period

Golf @ North Kern noon excuse after 2nd period

JV-Softball @ Liberty Tny @ POLO PARK excuse 1:15; bus departs 1:45pm


THURSDAY:  Regular Schedule

V-Softball @ Shafter Tny excuse at 12:45; vans depart 1:15

V-Tennis vs Ridgeview; JV-Tennis @ Ridgeview


FRIDAY:  Regular Schedule

Track @ East Relays TBA

V-Softball @ Shafter excuse 11:45; bus departs 12:15

JV Softball @ Liberty Tny @ POLO PARK excuse 7th period; bus departs 2pm

FS Softball @ Stockdale Tny excuse at 8:15am; bus departs 8:45

JV/V Baseball @ Terrio Tny @ Wasco (rescheduled) excuse 7th period; bus departs 1pm


SATURDAY:  V-Softball @ Shafter Tny bus TBA

FS Softball @ Stockdale Tny bus departs 7:15am

JV/V Baseball @ Terrio Tny @ Arvin

V-Softball @ Shafter Tny TBA bus


Benjamin Banneker was a self-taught Mathematician and Astronomer who helped design Washington D.C. He was born to a free woman and an ex-slave in 1731 and had almost NO formal education.


Prom tickets on sale until-Feb. 22nd for $35 w/o ASB & $30 w/ASB sticker. DO NOT COME DURING CLASS to the Finance Office.  We’ll raffle 2 tickets for RebelsDoItRight & perfect attendance.  Students need to clear money owed screen & bring ID.


Yearbooks are now $85 and you can still personalize your yearbook and use a payment plan until 2/23.  Purchase now at the finance office or at Jostens Yearbooks.


Last Chance to purchase a sr. recognition ad.  All ads sold by March 15.  Full page ads are $300 comes w/free yearbook, emboss not included.  Half page ads are $175 w/free yearbook, emboss not included, ¼ ads are $85 & 1/8 page ads $60 (yearbook not included).


Rebels Fight Back is having a mandatory meeting TOMORROW after school in C-12. Come help our team plan for Relay for Life!


Attention All Rebels!  Join Rebels United THIS Friday, Feb 22nd, for our second annual NO ONE EATS ALONE DAY!  Bring your lunch and join us as we gather in the quad area for a picnic. There will be music, games, and activities!  A great opportunity to meet new friends. So don’t forget, THIS FRIDAY, it’s NO ONE EATS ALONE DAY.