Bulletin Board » February 26th

February 26th

South High School

Tuesday, February 26,  2019

“Regular Schedule”



JV/V Baseball @ G.V. excuse after 6th period; bus departs 1:50pm

FS Baseball vs G.V. 3:30

V-Tennis vs G.V.; JV Tennis @ G.V. 3:30


WEDNESDAY:  Regular Schedule

V-Softball @ North Tny excuse 11:10; bus departs 11:40

JV/V Baseball vs Shafter excuse after 6th period; 3pm


THURSDAY:  Regular Schedule

V-Softball @ North Tny excuse 11:10; bus departs 11:40

JV-Tennis @ Ridgeview van; V-Tennis vs Ridgeview (make up matches)


FRIDAY:  Regular Schedule

V-Softball @ North Tny excuse 11:10; bus departs 11:40

V-Tennis @ Independence Tny van

Swim @ Jefferson Pool excuse after 6th period; bus departs 2pm



V-Softball @ North Tny bus departs 9:20

V-Tennis @ Independence Tny

Swim @ Graves Relays (Foothill) TBA


In 1992, Dr. Mae Jemison became the first African American woman to go into space aboard the space shuttle Endeavor. During her 8 day mission, she worked with U.S. & Japanese researchers & was a co-investigator on a bone cell experiment.


Prom tickets on sale for $40 w/o ASB & $35 w/ASB sticker. DO NOT COME DURING CLASS to the Finance Office.  Students need to clear money owed screen & bring ID.  All guests must be pre-approved by Dean’s office - pick up forms there.  Prices increase the week of March 4th.


There will be a Rebels Fight Back meeting Thursday in C-12 after school. It’s not too late to join the SHS Relay for life team to help raise money for the American Cancer Society. For more information text the remind code @rebelsfi to 81010 for updates. Everyone is welcome.