Bulletin Board » March 4th

March 4th

South High School

Monday, March 4,  2019

“Modified Schedule”


ACTIVITIES FOR TODAY:  School dismissed @ 1:36


TUESDAY: Regular Schedule

V-Tennis @ Foothill; JV-Tennis vs Foothill


WEDNESDAY:  Regular Schedule

JV/V Baseball & Softball @ Foothill excuse after 6th period; bus departs 2pm

FS Baseball & Softball vs Foothill


THURSDAY; Regular Schedule

V-Tennis vs East; JV-Tennis @ East

Golf @ Kern River noon excuse after 2nd period


FRIDAY:  Regular Schedule

JV/V Baseball & Softball vs Frazier Mtn.

JV Tenis @ Wasco Tournament thru Sat. TBA Vans


Coming up……..


Prom tickets on sale $45 w/o ASB & $40 w/ASB sticker (last day) @ Finance Office before school, 5th lunch & after school. (DO NOT COME DURING CLASS)  Students need to clear money owed screen & bring ID.  Pick up Guest forms in the Dean’s office.  Prices increase beginning Monday, March 11th.


Calling all students 16 and older….donate to our Blood Drive on April 3rd and save lives!!  Pick up your paperwork in the AO beginning March 4th.


ATTN STUDENTS/STAFF:  South High will be hosting our very first Air Band Competition!  Start gathering your band together and stay tuned for more details.  Applications out soon.


Congratulations to the Varsity Softball team for going undefeated in the North Tournament and making it to the gold division Championship Game. This will be played March 30th at North High school. Make sure to come and support!


Very important musician’s clinic meeting on Thursday the 7th in room F58. No instruments, just bring yourself.