Bulletin Board » March 8th

March 8th

South High School

Friday, March 8,  2019

“Regular Schedule”



V Baseball vs Frazier Mtn. @ South 3:30pm

JV/V Softball vs Frazier Mtn. @ Stockdale excuse 6th period; bus departs 2pm                                                                                           

V-Tennis @ Independence Tny; van



SATURDAY:  Track @ Central Valley H.S. Visalia bus departs 7am

JV Swimming @ Taft vans








Coming up……..


Prom tickets on sale $45 w/o ASB & $40 w/ASB sticker (last day) @ Finance Office before school, 5th lunch & after school. (DO NOT COME DURING CLASS)  Students need to clear money owed screen & bring ID.  Pick up Guest forms in the Dean’s office.  Prices increase beginning Monday, March 11th.


ATTN WINTER SPORTS ATHLETES:  The Winter Awards will be held on Monday, 3/18 beginning 6pm in the PAC.  Please let your parents/guardians, family & friends know.


Students, don’t forget to grab a card with a yellow ribbon from the cafeteria and hand it to someone who may need it.  Also, if you need to talk to someone you can come to P102 during 3rd per, before & after school or during lunch where students or an adult will hear you! Thank you and stay positive.


Help spread awareness for Type 1 Diabetes by participating in the Blue Circle Selfie Challenge.  Use the World Diabetes Day app to post a picture of yourself with the T1D Blue Circle symbol to show support.  Visit the South High twitter page or visit P102 for more details.


Rebel Pride is alive!!  Today will be our first student competition.  Wear your team colors.  Freshmen & Srs are on the blue team.  Sophomores & Jr’s are on the gray team.  Make sure you are representing your team on Friday.  We will be counting during 6th period.