Bulletin Board » March 13th

March 13th

South High School

Wednesday, March 13,  2019

“Regular Schedule”



NO athletic events

G-Soccer vs Staff game 5:30pm stadium


THURSDAY:  Regular Schedule

JV/V Baseball vs MM; excuse at 2pm

FS Baseball @ MM excuse 6th period; bus departs 2pm

V-Tennis @ Highland vans; JV-Tennis vs Highland

FS Track Relays @ BHS excuse @ 12:30; bus departs 1pm

Band concert PAC


FRIDAY:  Regular Schedule

V-Tennis @ Lynch Cup (BHS) thru Sat. van

Swimming @ McMurtrey Pool excuse 6th period; bus departs 2pm



Track @ Wildcat Invite Taft bus departs 7am

PPAACC competition @ Stockdale H.S.


Coming up……..


Prom tickets on sale $50 w/o ASB & $45 w/ASB sticker @ Finance Office before school, 5th lunch & after school. (DO NOT COME DURING CLASS)  Students need to clear money owed screen & bring ID.  Pick up Guest forms in the Dean’s office.  Prices increase beginning Monday, March 18th. Prom will be held on Sat. April 27th.


Yearbooks are now $90.  Purchase now at the finance office or at Jostens Yearbooks.


The Winter Awards will be held on Monday, March 18th, beginning 6pm in the P.A.C.


Join SAGA during 4th/5th lunch today for support, open discussion, and events.


Attention Rebels! Are you a born leader? Would you like to be a part of the South High ASB? Pick up your packet in the AO and you MUST attend the mandatory meeting this Thursday during you lunch hour in the AO.


Ever wondered how athletic your teachers are? Here's your chance to find out. Come see the South High staff members take on the varsity girls soccer team today @ 5:45pm. Admission is free but there will be a BBQ. Get your tickets from any girl soccer players


Jr’s with the last names Lepe thru Zekajj will be taking the CA. Science test tomorrow.  Call slips will be handed out in yhour first period class. Remember the class with the best attendance will earn points for their team.  Let’s go Gray!  Be on time & ready to own that test.


Attention: Rebels With A Cause will be meeting today Wednesday March 13th.  We will be meeting 4th period lunch in C11 and 5th period lunch in D39. Everyone is welcome and bring a friend!