Bulletin Board » April 3rd

April 3rd

South High School

Wednesday, April 3,  2019

“Regular Schedule”



Track @ BHS (continuation of meet) excuse at 11:30; bus departs 12noon

Blood drive all day small gym


THURSDAY:  Regular Schedule

JV/V Baseball & JV/V Softball vs East @ South

FS Baseball & FS Softball @ East excuse after 6th; bus departs 2pm

V-Tennis @ North; JV-Tennis vs North


FRIDAY:  Regular Schedule

B & G Track @ Leon Patterson Invite (Taft) excuse @ 10:30 bus departs 11am

Swimming @ NOR Pool excuse after 6th period; bus departs 2pm


SATURDAY:  PPAACC Finals @ North


Coming up….


Prom tickets on sale $65 w/o ASB & $60 w/ASB sticker @ Finance Office before school, 5th lunch & after school. (DO NOT COME DURING CLASS)  Students need to clear money owed screen & bring ID.  Pick up Guest forms in the Dean’s office.  Prices increase beginning Monday, April 8th. Prom will be held on Sat. April 27th.


ATTN SR’S:  Grad Bash tickets @ Universal Studios on sale thru April 26, cost $125 ea.  Pick up permission slip in AO, take permission slip & payment to Finance Office.  April 26 is the LAST DAY to purchase tickets.  Buy a Grad package for $200 includes Grad Bash ticket + yearbook.  Deposits deals are welcomed for single ticket & Grad Package.  Deposit deal amounts are: single ticket deposit=$75 and Grad Pack deposit =$100.  Remaining balance for each deal is due NO LATER THAN MAY 23rd.


Return Link Crew applications by FRIDAY, April 5th (date has been extended) to Ms.Gill, Mr.Marsh, Ms.Briones or Milo.


Remember Rebels we still have chap sticks & pop sockets for sale in the AO.


ATTN REBELS:  If you have signed up to participate in Airband there is a Mandatory meeting for all bands and their members in the PAC Thurs., tomorrow @ Lunch.  Please arrive quickly.


FCA, The Fellowship of Christian Athletes will meet today, April 3rd during 5th lunch in C 13 (Mrs. Coleman’s room). Any questions see coach Douglas or coach Coleman. There will be snacks.