Bulletin Board » April 8th

April 8th

South High School

Monday, April 8,  2019

“Modified Schedule”


ACTIVITIES FOR TODAY:  School dismissed 1:36

Sports Pictures:  3pm Boys golf            3:15 Boys tennis

    3:30 Baseball       3:30 Swim @ McMurtrey Pool 

   4pm Track

JV/V Softball vs Mira Monte; FS Softball @ MM excuse @ 1:15 bus departs 1:45pm

V-Tennis @ League (Bakersfield Racquet Club) TBA



Rebel Romp 5-7pm quad


WEDNESDAY:  Regular Schedule

JV/V Baseball & SB @ MM excuse after 6th per; bus departs 2pm

FS Baseball & FS SB vs MM 4pm

JV Tennis @ League (Foothill) TBA

Golf @ B.V. 12noon excuse after 2nd period

Track @ SEYL (BHS)

V Tennis @ League (Bakersfield Racquet Club) TBA


THURSDAY:  Regular schedule

JV/V Baseball & SB vs MM

FS Baseball & FS SB @ MM excuse after 6th per; bus departs 2pm

JV Tennis @ League (Foothill)

Swimming @ East excuse after 6th; bus departs 2pm



Track @ Tulare TBA


EASTER BREAK Mon-4/15 through Mon-4/22

Coming up….


Prom tickets on sale $70 w/o ASB & $65 w/ASB sticker @ Finance Office before school, 5th lunch & after school. (DO NOT COME DURING CLASS)  Students need to clear money owed screen & bring ID. Pick up Guest forms in the Dean’s office.  Prom will be held Sat. April 27th.


ATTN SR’S:  Grad Bash tickets @ Universal Studios on sale thru April 26, cost $125 ea.  Pick up permission slip in AO, take permission slip & payment to Finance Office.  April 26th is Deadline to purchase tickets.  Buy a Grad package for $200 includes Grad Bash ticket + yearbook.  Deposits deals are welcomed for single ticket & Grad Package.  Deposit deal amounts: single ticket deposit=$75 & Grad Pack deposit =$100.  Remaining balance for each deal is due NO LATER THAN MAY 23rd.