Bulletin Board » April 25th

April 25th

South High School

Thursday, April 25,  2019

“Regular Schedule”



Graduation cap & gown distribution – 5th lunch-bring ID

JV/V Baseball & JV/V Softball @ Highland excuse @ 1:15; buses depart 1:45pm

FS Baseball & FS SB vs Highland 4pm

8th grade registration cafeteria


FRIDAY:  Regular Schedule excuse

Food Sale lunch hrs.

V-Tennis Individual Area TBA thru Saturday

Rebelette Dance concert PAC



Track @ Corcoran bus departs 7am.

Swimming @ BC Pool League bus departs 7:30am

Prom @ “A Royal Palace” 6pm-10pm


Coming up……


Prom tickets on sale $75 w/o ASB & $70 w/ASB sticker @ Finance Office before school, 5th lunch & after school. (DO NOT COME DURING CLASS)  Students need to clear money owed screen & bring ID. Pick up Guest forms in the Dean’s office.  Prom is Sat. 4/27.


ATTN STUDENTS GOING TO PROM:  If you purchased your prom bid on Feb. 14th, you need to bring the receipt that was given to you to the Finance Office for your bid.  Go before school @ your lunch or after school.


ATTN SR’S:  Grad Bash tickets @ Universal Studios cost is $125 ea.  Pick up permission slip in AO, take permission slip & payment to Finance Office.  EXTENDED Deadline is May 20th.  Buy a Grad package for $200 includes ticket+yearbook.  Deposits deals welcome for single ticket & Grad Package.  Deposit deal amounts: single ticket deposit=$75 and Grad Pack deposit =$100.  Remaining balance for each deal is due NO LATER THAN MAY 20th.


Attention juniors and seniors: all prom bid transfers must be done by end of day TODAY. After today, no transfers will be accepted!


Poetry. Art. Music.  If you’ve been looking for a chance to show off your talent in the arts, then come to A NIGHT OF THE ARTS.  Fri., April 26th @ library.  Doors open 5:30 - show starts 6.  Sign up for a chance to perform, signups are in the library.  See you then!


Attention all Rebels with a Cause club Members: We will be having our last meeting of the year today. 4th lunch in C11 and 5th lunch in D39. Come and join the fun. Everyone is welcome and bring a friend.


ATTN STUDENTS WHO HAVE SIGNED UP TO TAKE AP TEST:  There’s a mandatory meeting Monday, 4/29 in cafeteria, immediately after school.  We will be doing all of the pre-administration paperwork.  If absent you will not be allowed to take the exam, questions, see Mrs. Bennett in the Admin. Office.


MANDATORY SENIOR CLASS MEETING has been rescheduled to Wed. May 1st during 6th & 7th periods, in the PAC.  All seniors are required to attend this meeting as important end of the year information will be given.


All Seniors who ordered their cap & gown online or in person BEFORE Feb. 15th, may come to pick up their items on the west side of the cafeteria in the quad during 5th lunch.  Please have an ID card with you to present to the representatives.


ATTN SENIORS:  As of today, the Finance Office is no longer accepting checks from seniors.  All payments for debts, books, senior Grad Bash tickets, etc. must be paid by cash, money order or cashier’s check.