Bulletin Board » May 3rd

May 3rd

South High School

Friday, May 3,  2019

“Modified Schedule”


ACTIVITIES FOR TODAY:   Modified Schedule School dismissed @ 1:36

Swim @ Clovis (Valley) van TBA thru Saturday










Rebel track & field Results Boys placed second overall in the 4x100. In the 100 Jarrell Rodgers placed third, while Kenny Rugnao placed second and was the SEYL league champion in the 200m dash, & in the mile relay placed third in league.

In the women’s races Diamonique Dawson placed third in the 400 & Serena Cisneros was your 2019 SEYL 400, and 800 m champion. The women’s Mile relay also had a strong and placed second in league.


ATTN SR’S:  Grad Bash tickets @ Universal Studios cost is $125 ea.  Pick up permission slip in AO, take permission slip & payment to Finance Office.  EXTENDED Deadline is May 20th.  Buy a Grad package for $200 includes ticket+yearbook.  Deposits deals welcome for single ticket & Grad Package.  Deposit deal amounts: single ticket deposit=$75 and Grad Pack deposit =$100.  Remaining balance for each deal is due NO LATER THAN MAY 20th.


ATTN SENIORS:  The Finance Office is no longer accepting checks from seniors.  All payments for debts, books, senior Grad Bash tickets, etc. must be paid by cash, money order, cashier’s check, or credit/debit card.


The Spring Sports Awards has been rescheduled for Tuesday, May 21st in the PAC.


Jrs, if you would like to participate as a Flower Attendant for graduation, please attend the MANDATORY meeting this Friday during your lunch in the AO. Must have a GPA of 2.5, clean discipline screen, and good overall behavior. Meeting is Friday, May 3rd.


Attn Rebels: Rebelette try-outs will start next week May 6 – 9th, 3:30 – 5 in the small gym. Wear clothes you can move in, see you there!


Attention STUDENTS:  When students are released from class to go to the Cinco de Mayo Carnival, if they choose to leave campus they will not be able to return onto campus per Dean’s office .