Bulletin Board » May 16th

May 16th

South High School

Thursday, May 16,  2019

“Regular Schedule”



Dress in Western attire

Sophomore Picture Day (English classes) small gym

College Signing Day in Big Gym

Pops concert


FRIDAY: Modified Rally- dismissed @ 1:36

Dress in Beach attire

Welcome Greenfield Middle School students to campus

1st            7:37 - 8:17 (40 min)

2nd           8:23 - 9:03 (40 min)

3rd            9:09 - 9:49 (40 min)


4th            10:49 - 11:29  lunch 10:43-11:18

5TH          11:24 - 12:04  lunch 11:29-12:04

6TH          12:10 - 12:52 (40 min)

7TH          12:58 - 1:36  (40 min)


SATURDAY:  Track @ Valley in Fresno

Softball Valley championship @ Fresno State


Coming up………

ATTN SR’S:  Grad Bash tickets @ Universal Studios cost $125 ea.  Pick up permission slip in AO, take permission slip & payment to Finance Office. Deadline for those that owe a balance on any package deal or to purchase a ticket is MONDAY, 5-20.  Also, the Finance Office is no longer accepting checks from seniors.  All payments must be paid by cash, money order, cashier’s check, or credit/debit card.


Golden Empire Youth Football & Cheerleaders are having tryouts today 5:30-7:30pm on the SHS practice field.  This is for ages 7-14 yrs.  Call 661.454.8192.  Come to AO for details.


ATTN SPRING SPORT ATHLETES:  The Awards night will be held on Tuesday, 5/21 beginning 6pm in the PAC. Please relay to parents, friends or family!


ATTN 2019-2020 ATHLETES: We will be having FREE physicals on Wed. 5/22 in the small gym.  The KHSD has a NEW PROCEDURE for submitting athletic packets online.  All athletes will need to pick up a physical form w/instructions for parents on submitting online, in the AO.  There are only two pages (not the whole packet).  Remember in order to be cleared to participate in any sports - your parents must submit online. Athletes may get their physical Wed. but must submit the rest of the packet online with required signatures.