Bulletin Board » May 20th

May 20th

South High School

Monday, May 20,  2019

“Modified Schedule”


ACTIVITIES FOR TODAY:  Modified School dismissed @ 1:36

Band/Rebelette Awards


TUESDAY:  Regular Schedule

Spring Sports Awards in PAC 6pm


WEDNESDAY:  Regular Schedule

2019-2020 Physicals in small gym

Senior Awards in PAC 6pm


THURSDAY:  Regular Schedule

Staff vs Student Softball game 3:30 varsity field


FRIDAY:  MINIMUM DAY School dismissed @ 12:32


Coming up………


ATTN SR’S:  Grad Bash tickets @ Universal Studios cost $125 ea. Deadline is today also for those that owe a balance on any package deal.  All payments must be paid by cash, money order, cashier’s check, or credit/debit card.


ATTN SPRING SPORT ATHLETES:  The Awards night will be held Tues, 5/21 beginning 6pm in the PAC. Please relay to parents, friends or family!


ATTN 2019-2020 ATHLETES: We will be having FREE physicals on Wed. 5/22 in the small gym.  The KHSD has a NEW PROCEDURE for submitting athletic packets online.  Make sure to pick up a green physical form w/instructions for parents/guardians to submit online, in the AO.  Remember in order to be cleared to participate in any sports - parents must submit entire packet online with required signatures.