South High School
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
“ Regular Schedule”
Golf @ Buena Vista excuse after 2nd period
Jostens on campus boys order cap & gown 5th lunch
THURSDAY: Regular Schedule
Volleyball vs West; 4pm, 5pm & 6:30pm
V-Tennis vs Highland; JV-Tennis @ Highland
FRIDAY: Regular Schedule
Cross Country @ Woodbridge vans
V-Tennis @ Wasco thru Sat.
JV-Tennis @ Frontier thru Sat.
SATURDAY; V-Volleyball @ Ridgeview TBA
Coming up ….
FCA, The Fellowship of Christian Athletes will meet today, Sept. 18th - 5th lunch in C 13 (Mrs. Coleman’s room). Any questions see Coach Douglas or Coach Coleman. There will be snacks.
Get ready to show your Rebel Spirit! The first meeting of the Blue Wave Spirit Club is Thursday, Sept. 19th after school in Port. 121. All students welcome. Bring your friends, your ideas, and your enthusiasm.
Are you interested in a medical career for the future? Medical Club Meetings are every Wednesday in F-54 right after school to learn about what we have going on. Drop by F-54 any time to get the Remind App so you will be up on all our medical club announcements.
Rebels show Respect by being on time. Rebels show respect by being in class before the tardy bell rings. Rebels show respect by being considerate of their teacher’s time, by arriving to class on time. Rebels do it Right by being on time to class every day every period.
Class of 2021 we will have a class meeting about homecoming today at lunch in room P114.