South High School
Thursday, September 19, 2019
“ Regular Schedule”
Volleyball vs West; 4pm, 5pm & 6:30pm
V-Tennis vs Highland; JV-Tennis @ Highland
FRIDAY: Regular Schedule
Cross Country @ Woodbridge vans
V-Tennis @ Wasco thru Sat.
JV-Tennis @ Frontier thru Sat.
SATURDAY; V-Volleyball @ Ridgeview bus departs 6:45am
Coming up ….
Get ready to show your Rebel Spirit! The first meeting of the Blue Wave Spirit Club is today after school in Port. 121. All students welcome. Bring your friends, your ideas, and your enthusiasm.
Rebels show Respect by being on time. Rebels show respect by being in class before the tardy bell rings. Rebels show respect by being considerate of their teacher’s time, by arriving to class on time. Rebels do it Right by being on time to class every day every period.
If you are interested in joining the Speech and Debate Club, but can’t fit it into your schedule, here’s your chance! Meet us afterschool every Tuesday in H73 at 2:45.
SAGA meeting today September 19th in D28 right after school!