South High School
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
“Regular Schedule”
Volleyball vs Foothill 4:00; 5:00 & 6:30
V-Tennis @ North; JV Tennis vs North
WEDNESDAY; Regular Schedule
Cross Country vs Foothill @ South 3:30
THURSDAY: Regular Schedul
All Volleyball @ East excuse after 6th period
V-Tennis @ Foothill; JV Tennis vs Foothill
FRIDAY: Regular Schedule
JV/Varsity FB @ West excuse JV after 6th period
V-Tennis @ Lewis Cup thru Sat.
SATURDAY; V-Volleyball @ Granite Hill High School - bus departs 7am
Cross Country @ Foothill
Coming up ….
Interested students who want to go to Washington D.C. there is a mandatory meeting during 4th lunch Wednesday in D33 (Mr. Rothkopf). Jr’s & Sr’s interested in the trip the mandatory meeting is during 5th lunch in C13 (Mrs. Coleman) on 9/25.
Attention all future Entrepreneurs, There’ll be a Business Club meeting Wednesday in IT 94 during 4th and 5th Period. If you signed up for the Business Club during Club Day then you should show up. Expect an email reminder today!
Fellowship of Christian Athlete’s and Rebels with a Cause would like to invite you to the “2019 See You At The Pole Event” Please join us Wed. Sept. 25th at 7:20 Am by the front flagpole for a quick prayer over our School, Staff, Students and Nation. Don’t be late or you will miss it!