South High School
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
“Regular Schedule”
Dress in 70’s & 80’s attire (Disco Queen, peace, love neon colors, acid washed jeans)
Cross country @ East (Lake Ming) excuse at 1:15; bus departs 1:45
THURSDAY: Regular Schedule
Dress in 90’s attire (TV’s Fresh Prince, Clueless, etc) Food Sale – lunch hrs
Volleyball vs Highland; 4pm; 5pm & 6:30pm
V-Tennis vs MM; JV-Tennis @ MM
FRIDAY: Homecoming Rally - dress in South High Spirit Attire
Rally 7:37 AM 8:10 AM
1 8:16 AM 9:08 AM
2 9:14 AM 10:09 AM
3 10:15 AM 11:06 AM
4th Lunch 11:06 AM 11:45 AM
4 11:12 AM 12:03 PM
5th Lunch 12:03 PM 12:42 PM
5 11:51 AM 12:42 PM
6 12:48 PM 1:39 PM
7 1:45 PM 2:36 PM
8 2:42 PM 3:32 PM
Vote for Homecoming Royalty @ lunch in the AO
JV & Varsity FB vs Foothill 5pm & 7:30 Homecoming FB game
Coming up ….
ALL STUDENTS & Staff are encouraged to dress up every day this week and meet on the stage at lunch to be in a Rebel Group photo.
Hey Rebels! If you want to be a part of our South High cheer squad, tryouts will be @ end of Oct! No experience needed. Informational tryout packets released soon! Keep those grades up and MUST have a cleared money owed screen in order to try out!
FCA, The Fellowship of Christian Athletes will meet today Wed., during 5th lunch in C 13 (Mrs. Coleman’s room). Any questions see coach Douglas or coach Coleman. There will be snacks.
The Art Club will be holding its first meeting after school today Oct, 2nd in Room E-43 or E-45. Look for the sign. Please come prepared with ideas of what you would like to do this year.
Selling for personal gain is prohibited on campus. If you are not selling with an approved club fundraiser your items will be confiscated and not returned.
The last day to sign up for the Washington DC trip is this Friday, Oct. 4th. For more information please see Mr. Rothkopf in D33 or Mrs. Coleman in C13. Again this Friday is the last day to sign up.