South High School
Monday, October 7, 2019
“Minimum Day Schedule”
ACTIVITIES FOR TODAY: School dismissed @ 12:32
TUESDAY: Regular Schedule
All Volleyball @ North excuse after 6th period
V-Tennis @ Highland;; JV-Tennis vs Highland
WEDNESDAY: Regular Schedule
Cross Country @ MM excuse after 6th period
Physicals in small gym
THURSDAY: Regular Schedule
All Volleyball @ Foothill excuse after 6th period
V-Tennis vs North; JV Tennis @ North
FRIDAY; Regular Schedule
JV-FB @ East excuse after 6th period
V-FB @ East do not excuse bus departs 4:30pm
Coming up ….
Free Physicals will be given in the small gym on Wednesday, Oct. 9th. Remember athletes you must have a physical and parents MUST register you online in order to be cleared to participate.
Campus will be closed immediately after 7th period due to an all staff meeting. The library will reopen for tutoring at 2:45 pm
Attention all BSU students! There’s a mandatory meeting immediately after school today in the cafeteria. We will be planning our events for the year and we need your voice. Don't be late, and bring a friend!