South High School
Friday, October 18, 2019
“Regular Schedule”
JV Football @ MM excuse at 1:20 bus departs 1:45
V-Football @ MM do not excuse bus departs 5:30pm
Coming up ….
Harvest Festival Dance tickets on sale in Finance Office $5 without ASB; $3 w/ASB. Dance is Wed. Oct. 23rd, 6-8pm in the small gym.
ASB stickers on sale in the Finance Office for $25.00! Get into all home regular season games for FREE!
Winter Formal is December 7th @ The Park at The Mark. Tickets on sale now for $35 without ASB and $30 with! Don’t miss your chance to dance the night away at the “Masquerade in the Garden”. If you received a PINK ticket during HOCO week don’t forget you have until November 15th to redeem for the $25 price.
Winter formal ticket prices increase to $40 without ASB and $35 with on Monday October 28th!
It's getting cold outside Rebels! Visit our student store for some great looking hoodies!
Pick up your Rebel Thermal shirt for $25 in the AO.
Attn Students & Staff! Help us PINK out the campus and stadium on Friday, Oct. 25th! Wear your pink shirt to school and be a part of our human PINK RIBBON! Picture will take place the last few minutes of 7th per. Friday, Oct. 25th. If you don’t have a pink shirt stop by the AO to preorder yours for $15. Shirts will be in just in time for the 25th! Don’t forget to wear your shirt to our last home game on Oct. 25th!
Don’t forget to follow us on instagram at South High Rebels United and on Twitter @Shrebels