Bulletin Board » December 11th

December 11th

South High School
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
“Regular Schedule”

V-B Basketball @ K.C. Shootout bus departs 6pm
V-G Basketball @ Madera South excuse after 5th period; bus departs 1pm
B & G Wrestling vs Stockdale @ South

THURSDAY: Regular Schedule
V-B Basketball @ K.C Shootout DO NOT EXCUSE bus departs 3:30
V-G Basketball @ Madera South excuse after 5th period; bus departs 1pm
FS-G Soccer @ MM excuse at 10am; bus departs 10:30
Drama Production PAC

FRIDAY: Regular Schedule
V-B Basketball @ K.C Shootout excuse after 6th period; bus departs 2pm
V-G Basketball @ Madera South excuse @ 1:30; bus departs 2pm
V-B Wrestling @ Coyote Classic excuse all day
V-G Wrestling @ Coyote Classic excuse all day
All B-Soccer @ El Segundo excuse after 2nd period; bus departs 10am
V-G Soccer @ McLane Tourney – excuse all day

SATURDAY: JV-B Wrestling @ Angel Calderon bus departs 6:30am
V-G Basketball @ Madera South bus departs 7:30 am
V-B Wrestling @ Coyote Classic bus departs 6:15am
V-G Wrestling @ Coyote Classic bus departs 6am
V-B Basketball @ K.C. Shootout bus departs 7:30 am
V-G Soccer @ McLane Tourney – excuse all day
FS-G Soccer @ MM bus departs 6:30 am

Coming up ….

South is starting its annual food drive through Fri. Dec. 13th. Students can bring non-perishable goods to their second period classes. Donations will be given back to our Rebels in need, so donate to help your fellow Rebel. Winning class will be awarded with a pizza party.
Anyone interested in playing baseball this Spring come to the mandatory meeting Thursday 12/12/19 for information on the upcoming season.
If you are interested in joining swim team or diving there will be a 5 minute informational meeting on Monday the 16th in Mr. Marsh’s classroom, C18, right after school.
Attention all Rebels With a Cause club members: We will be meeting today 4th lunch in C11 and 5th lunch in D39. Bring your friends everyone is welcome! We will be taking the club yearbook picture today!