South High School
Monday, December 16, 2019
“Early Out Schedule”
ACTIVITIES FOR TODAY: School Dismissed @ 1:36
TUESDAY: Regular Schedule
WEDNESDAY: FINAL’S School dismissed @ 12:09
1st period and 2nd period FINAL’S
Free physicals 3pm
THURSDAY: FINAL’S SCHEDULE School dismissed @ 12:09
3rd period and 4/5 period FINAL’S
FRIDAY: FINAL’S SCHEDULE School dismissed @ 12:09
6th period and 7th period FINAL’S
Coming up ….
If you are interested in joining swim team or diving there will be a 5 min informational meeting today 12/16 Mr. Marsh’s room C18, right after school.
FRESHMEN! Link Crew invites you to get ready for FINAL EXAMS. Join us in the cafeteria today, 1:30-3:30, for free hot chocolate and tutoring/study time. This is a FRESHMEN ONLY event. See you there!
Free physicals will be given on Wed. 12/18 beginning 3pm. If you want to get cleared for a spring sport – now is the time to get your FREE physical,
Tutoring in P106 during Finals right after school: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Wednesday & Thursday the cafeteria will be serving dinner, but no snack.