Bulletin Board » December 17th

December 17th

South High School
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
“Regular Schedule”


WEDNESDAY: FINAL’S School dismissed @ 12:09
1st period and 2nd period FINAL’S
Free physicals 3pm – small gym

THURSDAY: FINAL’S SCHEDULE School dismissed @ 12:09
3rd period and 4/5 period FINAL’S

FRIDAY: FINAL’S SCHEDULE School dismissed @ 12:09
6th period and 7th period FINAL’S

Coming up ….

Free physicals will be given on Wed. 12/18 beginning 3pm. If you want to get cleared for a spring sport – now is the time to get your FREE physical. This is your last opportunity for free physicals on campus this year.
Tutoring in P106 during Finals right after school: today, Wednesday, & Thursday
Wednesday & Thursday the cafeteria will be serving dinner, but no snack.
There will be a Business Club Meeting in I.T. 96 4th & 5th periods today. We will assembling non-perishable snacks for the homeless shelter. Check Google Classroom for more details.
If you want a pizza party the day of your second period final – don’t forget to bring in non-perishable goods to your 2nd period class. The date has been pushed to today. So far, we hear a teacher in D hall is wining. Do you really want them to win???
FCA, The Fellowship of Christian Athletes, will have their yearbook picture taken right after school today on the main stage at 2:40, see you there!