South High School
Monday, January 13, 2020
“Minimum Day Schedule”
ACTIVITIES FOR TODAY: School dismissed @ 12:32
Athletes become eligible or ineligible
TUESDAY: Regular Schedule
B-Basketball & B-Soccer @ MM excuse after 6th period
G-Basketball & G-Soccer vs MM
WEDNESDAY: Regular Schedule
G-Wrestling vs BHS (senior night)
THURSDAY: Regular Schedule
B-Basketball & B-Soccer vs Highland
G-Basketball & G-Soccer @ Highland excuse after 6th period
FRIDAY: School dismissed @ 1:36
V-Wrestling @ Morro Bay thru Sat. do not excuse early (vans)
G-Wrestling @ Chukchanski TBA (van)
SATURDAY: G-Wrestling @ Ridgeview (van)
Coming up ….
Boys’ Tennis starts tomorrow, 1/14. All interested players please be on the tennis courts immediately after school Tuesday for practice.
Attention BSU members—there is a meeting after school in M-82 today.
Do you like to play video games and want to represent South in a sport competing against other schools? Come to D-29 Tuesday-Friday after school where you can play League of Legends and Overwatch and be a part of a winning team.