South High School
Tuesday, January 13, 2020
“Regular Day Schedule”
B-Basketball & B-Soccer @ MM excuse both teams @ 1:15
G-Basketball & G-Soccer vs MM
WEDNESDAY: Regular Schedule
G-Wrestling vs BHS (senior night)
THURSDAY: Regular Schedule
B-Basketball & B-Soccer vs Highland
G-Basketball & G-Soccer @ Highland excuse after 6th period
FRIDAY: Early Out School dismissed @ 1:36
V-Wrestling @ Morro Bay thru Sat. do not excuse early (vans)
G-Wrestling @ Chukchanski TBA (van)
SATURDAY: G-Wrestling @ Ridgeview (van)
Coming up ….
Boys’ Tennis starts today. All interested players please be on the tennis courts immediately after school today for practice.
Do you like to play video games and want to represent South in a sport competing against other schools? Come to D-29 Tuesday-Friday after school where you can play League of Legends and Overwatch and be a part of a winning team.
FCA, The Fellowship of Christian Athletes will meet this Wednesday, January 15th during 5th lunch in C 13 (Mrs. Coleman’s room). Any questions see coach Douglas or coach Coleman. There will be snacks.