Bulletin Board » January 29th

January 29th

South High School
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
“Regular Schedule”

All Boys & Girls -Wrestling @ League (North) excuse after 1st period

THURSDAY: Regular Schedule
B-Basketball & B-Soccer vs MM
G-Basketball & G-Soccer @ MM excuse both teams after 6th period

FRIDAY: Regular Schedule

V/JV G-Basketball @ Quartz Hill bus departs 7:30 am

Coming up ….

Seniors Josten’s will be on campus Feb. 13th. If you have not ordered your cap & gown, bring payment to the table in front of the AO during 5th lunch and give order & money to the representatives. After 2/13 prices increase & you will have to go to their store to order.
Come to D-29 after school today to try-out for League of Legends team. Are first-person shooters more your speed? Come on Thurs. (1/30) to try-out for our Overwatch team. We need students for FS, J.V., & Varsity teams!
Attention athletes Coach Hord is coaching golf and wants you to come out and give golf a try! If you have never played it’s fine! Come to room P120 today for practice and learn more about competing and playing a very competitive game!