South High School
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
“Regular Schedule”
V-B & V-G Basketball @ SYC TBA
JV/V Baseball & JV/V Softball vs West
FR Baseball & FR Softball @ West excuse @ 1:45
WEDNESDAY: Regular Schedule
V-B & V-G Basketball @ SYC TBA
THURSDAY: Rally Schedule
V-B & V-G Basketball @ SYC TBA
V-Tennis vs Ridgeview; JV-Tennis @ Ridgeview
FRIDAY: School dismissed @ 1:36
Food Sale lunch hours
V-B Wrestling @ North excuse all day bus departs 7:30am
V-G Wrestling @ Divisionals @ Tulare excuse all day
Swim vs BHS @ Silvercreek Pool bus departs 2pm do not excuse early
FR Softball @ South (GV Tournament) excuse @11:45 am
JV/V Baseball @ Terrio Tournament @ G.V. bus departs 7:30am
V-B Wrestling @ North TBD
V-G Wrestling @ Divisionals @ Tulare
V-Softball @ Savannah Tournament
FR Softball @ G.V. Tournament bus departs 8:45am
Coming up….
SENIORS: Josten’s will be on campus Thurs. Feb. 13th during 5th lunch to take cap & gown orders. You must pay the rep. from Josten’s if you miss this date then you must go to their store to order or order online or from their website. Prices will increase after 2/13.
Attention students/staff: Thursday, Feb. 13th, will be an early morning rally, we will be on a rally schedule.
Attention: All Rebel’s with a Cause club members, We will be meeting this Wed. February 12th during 4th lunch in Room C11 and 5th lunch in Room D39. Bring your friends everyone is welcome!
WORD OF THE DAY: Describe. The word describe means to tell in your own words, who what, when, where, why, and how. Example of using describe in a sentence: Which of the following best describes the author’s mood.