South High School
Monday, March 2, 2020
“Early Out Schedule”
ACTIVITIES FOR TODAY: School dismissed at 1:36
Golf @ Rio Bravo TBA
TUESDAY: Regular Schedule
WEDNESDAY: Regular Schedule
JV/V Baseball @ R.F.K. (Delano) excuse after 6th period
JV/V-Softball @ R.F.K. (Delano) excuse atfter 6th period
JV/FR Softball vs R.F.K. (Delano)
THURSDAY: Regular Schedule
Choir Concert PAC 7pm
Golf @ Delano TBA
FRIDAY: Regular Schedule
V Softball @ St. Joseph TBA
SATURDAY: Swim @ Taft Invite TBA
Coming up….
South Bakersfield Cavaliers are looking for Cheer Coaches for 2020 Season, anybody that is a cheerleader or has cheer experience is welcome to sign up today @ 5:30pm @ South High.
There will be a mandatory wrestling team meeting for all wrestlers JV & Varsity today @ 3pm in P-108 (Vasquez’ room)
Word of the Day: consist be composed of example: Eventually, their centaur-style robot will consist of a quadruped locomotion platform and a pair of arms.
Choir Concert this Thursday 3/5 @ 7 pm in the PAC. Tickets $5, $3 for students with ID. Staff members are FREE. Pay at the door, no pre-sale tickets.