South High School
Thursday, March 5, 2020
“Regular Schedule”
Choir Concert PAC 7pm
Golf @ Delano excuse after 5th period
FRIDAY: Regular Schedule
V Softball @ St. Joseph excused @ 11:30 to get lunch
SATURDAY: Swim @ Taft Invite TBA
Coming up….
Word of the Day: evident clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment. Example: The ideological and political divide among the nine justices was evident throughout Monday's argument.
Choir Concert 7 pm in the PAC. Tickets $5, $3/students with ID. Staff members are FREE. Pay @ door.
Attention all Winter Sport Athletes: The Awards program will be held on March 17th beginning 5:30 @ PAC for major awards. We will split to locations for individual awards 6pm. Cake & refreshments in cafeteria @ 6:30pm.
Attention winter sport athletes another group of winter sports pictures have arrived, you may pick up in AO, AFTER SCHOOL.
Attention Rebels our last blood drive is April 1st. Pick up application in AO starting tomorrow at lunch. Must be 16 to donate
Send some good luck vibes to your favorite Rebel starting next week! Lucky St. Patrick grams go on sale starting March 9th at the Activities Window.
There is a business Club meeting Thursday March 5th fourth and fifth lunch. Check your Google Classroom for more information in room I.T. 94.